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Programming in C, C++ & Financial Engineering

Programming in C, C++ & Financial Engineering

C/C++ Introduction to programming with C, part 1

C/C++ Introduction to programming with C, part 1


This hands-on introductory course is the first part of a study of the C/C++ family of languages, used to build most of the world's computing systems. Starting with programming basics, then focusing on applying programming practise into the C/C++ programming language.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
29/04/202517/06/20250£540.00[Read More]
C/C++ Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ Part 2

C/C++ Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ Part 2


For those who can already program in a procedural language such as C (using control structures such as if, for, while, etc.), this course covers the fundamentals of the C++ programming language and shows how to program using object-oriented principles.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
30/04/202502/07/20250£540.00[Read More]
Financial Engineering in Interest Rates and FX (C++ applications in Quantitative Finance)

Financial Engineering in Interest Rates and FX (C++ applications in Quantitative Finance)


In this hands-on quantitative finance short evening course students learn the most widely used models in the banking industry on the Interest Rates and FX markets.

The course will start with Libor Market Model for single and Multi-Currency models, then move to Markov Functional Models, the ShortRate Models, and then volatility models like SABR models, inflation, etc.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
29/04/202501/07/20250£920.00[Read More]