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’Leading Well’ for Aspiring Managers and New Team Leaders

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Course Information


Workshop: London

Developing outstanding social care requires capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders.

This programme supports aspiring managers and new team leaders to develop enabling cultures within their settings, whilst delivering great care and support.

Starting with a 1 day face-to-face workshop in either Liverpool or London, the My Home Life England offer is unique in then providing follow-up virtual group coaching sessions (action learning sets) over a 4 month period, with access to a mentor/coach and a network of fellow learners.

The group will work together to embed learning, explore new ideas, share challenges and celebrate successes.

Course Code


Course Leader

Richard Hardman
Course Description

Programme Details

Aimed at:
Aspiring managers and new team leaders

1 day in-person workshop (in either London or Liverpool) followed by 4 virtual group coaching sessions

Workshop Dates:
London = 11th March 2025
Liverpool = 25th March 2025

£680+VAT per attendee

Up to 10 participants

This programme enables participants to develop skills in:

  • Meeting CQC ‘Well Led’ standards
  • Managing workplace relationships to enable a smooth transition to supervisory roles
  • Developing caring cultures through a relationship-centred approach
  • Facilitating effective staff meetings
  • Providing enabling and empowering supervision
  • Improved professional confidence
  • Positive collaboration with partners, stakeholders and the wider community

In a recent evaluation of our programmes for care leaders:

  • 96% reported an increase in the quality of their management and leadership
  • 95% reported an increase in the quality of engagement with their staff
  • 98% reported improvement in understanding of how to improve the culture of care
StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
Workshop: London