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Eye Testing Product

Eye Testing Product


Eye tests are grouped according to price.  Please check which price group that your test belongs to, and select the relevant date/time that you require.

You will be asked to confirm the specific test once you have added the item to your Shopping Basket.

Price Group 1 Eye Tests - £90.00

MCGA  (Maritime Coastguard Agency) protocol for colour assessment - 1 hour

The MCGA protocol assessment  (based on Ishihara test plates and the CAD test).  When required Holmes-Wright B can also be administered.

ATCO (EASA Protocol for colour assessment)

The EASA protocol requires the applicant to take the CAD test and when required, the anomaloscopte test.

Price Group 2 Eye Tests - £125.00

Full Colour Vision Assessment - 1 hour

A full colour vision assessment which includes the Ishihara, AO-HRR pseudoisochromatic plates, City University (2 ed.), Farnsworth D15, Nagel Anomaloscope, and the CAD test. Younger children can also be assessed , but the results and conclusions depend on the individual and can be less certain.

ACAD - 45 minutes

An Achromatopsia Colour Assessment and Diagnosis test designed for individuals with very poor visual acuity.

Rod-Cone sensitivity (Night Vision test) - 45 minutes

This test does not require full, dark adaptation and measures Rod- and Cone-mediated thresholds at five locations in the visual field (particularly suitable for detection of early-stage retinal disease)

Acuity-Plus (mesopic and photopic) - 45 minutes

The Acuity-Plus test is used to determine the applicant's spatial vision (i.e., visual acuity and functional contrast sensitivity) under photopic and mesopic lighting.

Aberrometry (Assessment of higher order aberrations) - 45 minutes

This test measures and quantifies the higher order aberrations of the eye.

Price Group 3 Eye Tests - £150.00


 Group 2
Thur 21/9/2017 12:00
Thur 21/9/2017 13:00

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